Please note that the following requirements are outstanding:
· Verification of nurse registration for RN/LPN license in Missouri and verification from Mexico. Crapola was my initial answer. My work didnt require this and said my US lic was sufficient up until about a month ago. At that point I started the process. Right now Im waiting on my appostilled Diploma from the Secretary of State in MO. I recently recived and informative and helpful email from them also. I hope to be getting it back in the next few weeks. Then I will bring: (Should I translate this???) Let me know if anyone reads it and wants it translated. I can do it no problem just feeling like it may not be necessary.
En caso de ser Extranjeros con Estudios en el Extranjero, los requisitos son:
1. Copia legible de la cédula personal con efectos de patente de nivel licenciatura por ambos lados.
2. Copia legible de la CURP.
3. Tres fotografías recientes tamaño infantil en blanco y negro con fondo blanco, en papel mate con retoque.
4. Original y copia legible del comprobante de pago de Derechos Federales, con la cuota vigente al momento de presentar la solicitud. El pago puede realizarse en cualquier institución bancaria a través de la Hoja de Ayuda
5. Copia certificada ante Notario Público del documento migratorio, que compruebe su legal estancia en el país para el caso de extranjeros.
6. Original y copia legible de la resolución de revalidación de estudios de la especialidad otorgada por la SEP.
7. Original y copia legible del Diploma de Especialidad, debidamente legalizado por el Servicio Consular Mexicano o apostillado en el país que lo expidió. En caso de que el diploma no esté en español, deberá presentarse con su traducción por el perito autorizado por el Tribunal Superior de Justicia.
8. Para poder realizar este trámite es necesario realizar cita, de lo contrario no se le podrá atender en ventanilla.
· Nursing education transcripts from your school of nursing for your practical nursing program and general nursing program. Well I mailed the request off when I mailed the original application. Im wondering if I mailed it also for my practical program now but I know I sent it to the RN one. I guess if I the LPN one doesnt show up when the other does Ill mail it off. Or maybe I should just request another one just in case. Not sure on that one yet.
We require the total nursing practice hours you worked as an RN, to be documented on the documentation of nursing experience form. On the application form you included the hours worked as an LPN in the total number of nursing practice hours. Please complete the attached form showing the hours as an RN and return to CARNA.
The hospital I worked at outsourced this type of information and was a major pain to get. But that form was filled out and mailed to Canada yesterday.
On receipt of all documentation, your file will be brought forward for assessment. Please note that during the assessment of your application, you may be required to provide additional information or documentation.Whoo hooo how could I ever forget it. ;)