Monday, January 19, 2009

Mexico: The Trick is Living Here by Julia Taylor

Mexico: The Trick is Living Here by Julia Taylor
An outstanding e-book for those moving to or recently moved to the wonderful country of Mexico
When starting this blog I was in search of others who had been forced to move to Mexico due to similar reasons as mine. I was scared and alone although I was for the first time in 2 years living in the same house as my husband; I needed someone who could understand where I was in life. My husband is all that I wanted and I was so happy to be with him but I needed another source of companionship. During my searching I found the author of this book and was enchanted by her writing. I wish I would have had this book a year before I left the states. I’m sure I would have read it more than once, and still plan to. Everything she has written in this book rang so true to my experience with moving here.
She knows how to make you laugh and if you read the book before you come be sure to read it again a few months after being here so you can laugh even more. Moving to Mexico is so much more than paperwork and titles it is an experience and I feel now that I have been able to share that experience with the writer.
For the most part I found that the first part of the book was a lot about the technicalities of moving to Mexico. Although she somehow managed to help you know how it feels to go through those technicalities here and not in the states. And yes it does feel different. I have to say I was shaking my head and laughing through the entire book. Although I had been here about 4 months when I started reading there was a lot I still had to learn (and still do). I was so thankful for the useful links she added to the book, and all the information on children and birth certificates. I love that over and over she explains that no matter where you are in Mexico one thing always remains, nothing goes the same. Your best bet is to get to know people and ask questions.
I must say my favorite part of the book was at the end when she explains a little about culture. As in the states there are things with the culture down here that changes with the region and the most important part is to keep your eyes open to what others are doing. And ask if you are unsure. For the most parts Mexicans are open and ready to share their knowledge.
I would recommend this book to anyone who is moving to Mexico, whether it is out of necessity or because they want to retire here. Please for what ever reason you move here do it with an open mind and heart and be ready to be thrown off your feet a few times. There is a link on the home page of my blog that will lead you to the book if you are interested in buying.


  1. How can one contact journalist Julia Taylor by email?

  2. I would like to know the email of Amanda, but it does not appear on this page.

  3. Hi Daniel, I dont post my email or anyones on the site because I have had some very rude followers in the past. If you want to leave another comment with your email, I will use it to email you and I wont post the comment.
