The purpose for this blog is to share my thoughts, hopes dreams, lessons learned ext. I hope that in some way my experience will bring some comfort to others. Just remember you are not alone in your situation find your peace that passes all understanding and have fun with your life no matter where you are.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Rio Verde
We got to go swimming out at Rio Verde again and it was so great. First off another day in my hot box apartment and I thought I was going to loss it. I should note that around here when people say they are going to the rio they don't mean it like we did growing up. When I mention actually swimming in the river people look at me like I'm crazy. Seriously people if you saw some of the creeks my dad let us swim in as kids you would know Id be ok with any Mexican river. They mean they are going to a set of pools near the river. So near the river that while you swim you can enjoy the view. Also as most of you know Mexicans are crazy about not being cold. For example when my husband or suegra are here and I put the girls in the kiddie pool I have to run warm water into it even if its sweltering hot outside. I can remember swimming with blue lips and I'm still alive. Anyway that is to get to the point that the water used for the pools is feed from an underground hot spring. So all the pools are like bathwater. And to be honest the only refreshment I get is to dunk in and then sit on the side and let the breeze cool me off. But the girls and all the other people love it. And really when the sun isn't directly overhead it is pretty nice. They actually have two kiddie pools that are pretty large with tarps over them to shade the pools for the babies. This time around we brought our tent and all. We are doing some small experiments with it to see how the girls will do on a full out camping trip. Toting all the stuff was totally worth it. We were there from 10am till 5pm and perfectly happy and comfortable the whole time. We also found out that we could camp all night there and thats our plan for next time. Its actually really cheap to swim all day long, it was $85p total for Alana my husband and me and the baby was of course free. There are not any pictures of all the pools and stuff but there is one pool that is at least 7-9ft deep all a long it and it has three diving boards, a different one that is from 5-6or7feet deep that has a huge coiling slide, a medium size pool that's about 3 feet, two baby pools that are like 1foot or so those have the shade, and a child pool that was about 3feet or so that had two slides one that curled and the other that you have to go under a water fall to start sliding. Another thing that you notice here is less swimsuits. Its not that there aren't any but a lot of people just swim in their cloths. I can remember how this would have been humiliating for families in the states, and how some places wont even let you in with out one. I do think some of it might have to do with money here but to be honest I don't think it does totally. Its just that a swimsuit isn't necessary for fun in the water. Some of the very people who didn't have suits had some of the best looking floaters, food and site set up stuff. So I began to think they could have bought suites but its more like why bother. They of course have a little tienda that somehow always has what you need. We did miss having our friends there (Leslies family) but at the same time it was kinda nice for us to just get out as a family and spend the day together. We realize we do this quite rarely. My husband and I are both social people and love to be surrounded by lots of people we love. So we almost always tend to invite people. Not to say it would be any less fun the other way but it was a nice experience. I have a feeling some day we wont have to invite people to be surrounded. We recently found out that we will be having baby number three in November sometime. We are excited and guess what all we will be going through the seguro for the whole thing so here comes some more info your way. ;)Here are some pics of Rio Verde.
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That's how you slip us the news?? Congratulations! ^.^
ReplyDeleteHere plenty of people go swimming in the river - which I find so much more refreshing than the pools, which can be like mild hot tubs at times. I love jumping in cool water, and yes, most Mexicans think I am crazy for it...but what's new, we can just add that to the long list of many other things. ;-)
ReplyDeleteSo glad you enjoyed your camping 'test', and congratulations! =)
How sneaky of you!!! Congratulations! Can't wait to hear more about the baby.
ReplyDeleteThe views at Rio Verde look amazing :)
AHH!!! How EXCITING!!!! Congratulations mucho for you Amanda and to your family as well. I will be praying for a healthy pregnancy and delivery. Dios te bendiga mucho hermana. Cuidate.
ReplyDeleteThose boys will make as many babies as they can, even when they can't pay for basic necesities
vadose and gringation: Yes I like to sneak that kind of thing in and see the realization appear on faces, it sucks when its a blog and I don't get to see you read it.
ReplyDeleteLeah I want to come there so I can swim with the fishies.
Mexicobound-gracias, prayers are always accepted and needed.
Anon-So I laughed so hard when I read your comment. Then I thought Oh gee what if they are being serious. The first time I saw myself marrying my husband was when we talked about kids, we both want a big family. And if money were what was important to me I would still be living in the states and not with the love of my life. God is good and provides to those who love him, I'm not worried and I know he will bless me and my family, but thanks for the concern. ;) And I'm still hoping you were making a joke.
Congratulations Amanda!
ReplyDeleteHey Amanda! Ive been a lurker on your site for a while! My husband is going through the immigration process and its very much in limbo. Has been for 2 years now. Were expecting our first child. I love reading your page! I belong to this website called and on the left side you can click message boards. scross down and on the left again you can click "birth month boards"...then just find your month (november...which is mine as well!) It's a great source of companionship! Im not sure if you're interested but I hope you come on there!!
ReplyDeletei guess you were trying to see who reads through your posts all the way... :) FELICIDADES!
ReplyDeletehope the heat has let up some. we're getting lots of cooling rain here in DF to temper the heat. nothing like the heat we had last year.
laura thanks
ReplyDeleteAnon-for sure I will check it out, a friend of mine recently told me how she did a site like this and liked it so much.
Alice- That is a good reason to put the fun stuff at the end. Actually now that we are in the new house it feels like heaven even during the hottest part of the day.